Test your emails in Symfony

How to test your emails in your Symfony applications.

As developers, we always look for ways to improve our symfony products. To do so, we are constantly looking for ways to provide more value to our users and improve their experience.

Simply sending Emails is key ✨

Mailcatch is an excellent tool for testing emails. You can inspect and debug emails in dev, staging, and QA environments before sending them to recipients in production.

Setting up Mailcatch

  1. Sign up for a free Mailcatch.app.
  2. Create your first inbox.
  3. Head to settings and copy your smtp credentials.

Code Snippets

Symfony 5.x

Symfony uses Symfony Mailer to send emails. You can find more information on how to send email on Symfony's website.

To get started you need to modify .env file in your project directory and set MAILER_DSN value:
